Monday 24 November 2014

Why watching the TV means you are piling on the pounds...according to a diet firm, anyway

Soap, reality TV and Sports addicts look away appears our regular viewing is resulting in some serious diet lapses. Although I'm taking the findings of this new survey with a pinch of salt (no pun intended!!) 

A new poll of 1,000 people for diet firm (surprise, surprise) Forza Supplements has found six out of ten of us admit to eating snacks such as biscuits and crisps in front of the TV even if we aren't hungry.

Gogglebox favourites Sandy and Sandra enjoy a good takeaway whilst watching
TV...and we love them for it! Never change you too!! Image - Channel 4. 
And the three worst programmes to watch when trying to diet are I'm a Celebrity, X Factor and Strictly come dancing, according to this poll.

It's not just reality TV - watching cookery shows results in 57% of us feeling more hungry, and as a result snacking, whilst 74% of men admitted to snacking whilst watching sport on TV.

That's not all (oh no!) - 63% of women said they had a 'diet lapse' whilst watching a TV soap. Not being rude, but I think this poll is try to suggest we just listen to the radio...

I can't help thinking that whoever put this survey together is a right spoil sport and hasn't lived. Anyway, where did I put that tin of Digestives...
You can read more about that delightful poll via the Daily Star website here

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