Thursday 13 November 2014

Today's Talkers: Some thoughts for Thursday's talking opportunities... (it's a reindeer special, for your information)

A Hearty Hello to you, it's a pleasure to have your company. Christmas is well and truly here now (sorry, I know it's still only mid-November) and I am loving it...although I may be sick of it by 1 December. I will keep you posted. So it just so happens that today's top two talkers are both reindeer related, so I have heralded this as our Reindeer special! Words cannot describe the joy I felt when I first saw these Coca Cola cans...

1. Coca Cola want us to open reindeer happiness!
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*Spotted* Coca Cola have been running their 'Share a Coke with...' campaign for some time now, with folks young and old rushing to grab their name on a bottle or can. And now, in time for the festive season, Coca Cola have decided to delight Santa's reindeer by putting their names on its cans and 500ml bottles. We're very excited about this new innovation on the bottles, bringing a little more magic and sparkle to our Christmas parties...and also reminding us Holidays Are Coming! (Red truck alert).

2. Lidl want us to eat reindeer (but will it bring us happiness?)
Yes, the discount renowned for 'Lidl Suprises' has dropped a bit of a bigger's selling sliced Rudolph (reindeer) for £4.99 a packet. It's not the first time Lidl has sold reindeer, with the store being accused last year of causing controversy and destroying the magic of Christmas by selling the meat over the festive season. Earlier this month, David Cameron joined other World leaders by feasting on reindeer at a many of his nation's people will be following suit?

3. Aldi have wonderful staff *I know!*
Sorry to break with the reindeer theme, but this is important news! I would associate (sorry to be stereotypical) the discounters with having the most depressed and downbeat staff, considering the high IPM scanning them have to do, and the pay & conditions which they have. However, I have been proved wrong after being served by James at my local Aldi. Although he did tell me he was "cold and tired", he was still jolly and chatting to me - he asked me how I was and told me to 'enjoy your day' as I left. I couldn't have asked for a nicer checkout operator, he really did make my day and put a smile on my face - exactly what I like from someone in Customer Service! He really does put those grumpy bags who don't make eye contact, let alone speak to you, throughout your shopping experience. I commend him greatly, and am sure he has a bright future ahead. Hats off, James, you made my day! 

And that brings today's Thursday Talker's to a positive close...don't miss tomorrow's as there is plenty to fill you in about...not least a preview of Children In Need & the I'm A Celebrity stars of 2014! See you then, Ben.

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