Thursday 27 November 2014

Why I'm Thankful: We celebrate the best of Thanksgiving Day - including Family, Friends...and Hot Chocolate!

To mark Thanksgiving day, people from America and across the globe have been sharing reasons why they are Thankful. Often, we focus too much on the negatives in our lives, which is why its wonderful to see this uplifting and inspiring hash-tag trending globally. So why are you thankful?

Some of the shared #WhyIAmThankful messages...

'I have friends looking out for my safety and well being'
- Hitendrasinh Zala

'Exchange year in the USA. Family. Host Family. Friends. Love. Happiness. Food. Hot Chocolate. Pets. Travel. Music. Books.' 
- Brankica
'Amazing & healthy friends and family, Desperate Housewives, Mac Twig lipstick, full fridge, vacation soon...graduating'
- Emma

'For My Education, for all my amazing friends and family, for my beautiful babies, for a job to pay my bills, and my adorable Boyfriend' - Mariah

'I'm alive. I have friends and family. I have a job. My bills are paid and I have a disposable income'
- Michael Ethan Salcedo
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'I have hot food on my plate, a warm home, parents who love me, a loving sibling, freedom, and education'
- Ali

'I'm Thankful for my health and the health of my friends and family. If you have your health, you have all you need'. 
- Rebecca Lowe

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'...friends, my job, my health, my pets, the ability to travel, but most of all my family.' 
- Janelle Conlin

'I have an amazing boyfriend who supports me 100% and makes sure that I know I'm loved.' - sofie.

'I am so thankful for the good times in my life and the bad times for the bad make me appreciate the good'.
- Kristin Elizabeth

So please, have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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