Sunday 23 November 2014

Chatterbox: Let's honour the Christmas Truce of World War One with a Truce of our own

Chatterbox - The weekly blog where I share my opinion about a story in the news. 

There has been a great deal of coverage, and rightly so, of the World War One Christmas Truce - when, a century ago, those on both sides of the conflict put the horrors of conflict aside and came together in a game of football, before exchanging gifts, on Christmas Day.
The Truce.        Image - Wikipedia

Sainsbury's have brought this to prominence in the UK, with their Christmas advert (3 minutes long) featuring the game. A statue has been erected to mark the truce, and features two soldiers shaking hands. Speaking in response to the statue, one gentleman was quoted as saying; "Come to Flanders and play - and call for a Worldwide truce this Christmas".

This comment has great significance, and I believe should be heard by everyone on Earth this Christmas. We have clearly not learn't from the lessons of the past; that 100 years on, thousands of lives are still being lost every month because of barbaric conflict. 100 years on.

So please, keep that message in mind - think of the poor souls in the dozens of War zones around the World this Christmas...let's hope for a lasting truce, for peace on Earth. Let's save millions of lives.

Do enjoy your day. 

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