Saturday 29 November 2014

Do you love Christmas carols? Do you love listening non-stop, 365 days a year? Then here's the radio station for you...

A brand new internet radio station has launched playing nothing but Christmas carols...365 days a year.

You can now enjoy non-stop CHRISTMAS CAROLS all 365 days of
the year! Image -
Christmas Carols Radio founder Ben Vane said: "We play nothing but Christmas carols - no novelty Christmas music, just choirs singing traditional music. As far as we know we're the only internet radio station in the World playing nothing but Christmas carols. And we're proud of it!". 

He added of the radio station, which will be broadcast not only in December but all year round, "We hope that the station will help people appreciate more of the Christian message of Christmas". 

Of that decision to keep the carols playing 365 days a year, he added: "We've decided to broadcast all year round to make sure we're listed in the places you'll be looking for us". 

Ben Vane, a former radio presenter who is now training to become a Church of England vicar, was quoted by Radio Today writer Roy Martin. 

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