Thursday 6 November 2014

Today's Talkers: Happy Friday! Bring a smile to your customer's faces with these topics about people and places...

Hello all! Friday is finally here...yes, the weekend is just around the corner! So make sure you bring a smile to your clients, customers and friend's faces with our regular three talker topics - and we've got the Christmas bug after the premier of the new John Lewis advert!! Have a wonderful weekend.

Image - John Lewis (2014 advert, YOUTUBE). t
1. The Penguin is so cute in the new John Lewis advert
Yes, we've all been waiting for Bear and the Hare part two, and the new Christmas advert from John Lewis doesn't disappoint! It stars a little boy...and his penguin Monty! You can watch the adorable advert / mini-movie HERE (and that is assuming you haven't seen it already!) #MontyThePenguin is already trending on Twitter, so this conversation topic is set to be a big one over the coming this space! Make sure you see the advert and have your comments and questions about it at the ready, with the lovely little penguin's and the young boy to whom they belong set to melt the hearts of millions across the country. Great for hairdressers and friends. 

2. It's Friday! Have a great weekend...
This is the big talker of the's finally Friday! Everyone is united in the fact that its the end of the week, and your mention "I'm so glad Friday is finally here" will be sure to bring a smile to anyone's it at the checkout or over a coffee! Naturally, there will be some 'umming and 'aaring as you both agree on the fact that you're glad the weekend starts tonight, and attention is likely to move to the week you have both had - but more importantly, turn to what you will be doing at the weekend! When I'm volunteering in a local hospital shop, I am always sure to wish the staff who come in for lunch or chocolate (there is always one nurse who buys the ward a Freddo each!) a 'Great Weekend', to which they always smile and say thanks. 
Great for anyone - whether you're on the till, greeting clients, beauty therapy or with friends. Great in the staff room too, as colleagues are sure to be delighted it's the weekend...and keen to discuss their plans!

3. The Weather.
Yes, that's right, the weather. A stereotypical talking point, I know, but last thing on a Friday, we're usually not up for a fiery political debate. A light musing about whether its raining, sunny, or (as is now the case) very cold, a light chat about the climate is always a winner. Keep it light, keep it non-controversial, with a quick glance at the weather forecast before you leave for work, and a check outside the window now and again, you'll soon get the hang of chatting to customers about what's happening in the sky!
Great for...anyone and everyone, in all circumstances. A chat about the weather never fails to please!

Wishing you a great weekend, and I look forward to your company on Monday.
Ben. @checkoutchats 

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