Friday 21 November 2014

Today's Talkers: Happy Friday everyone! Are you starting the weekend with a TV dinner tonight? Find out why I ask...

Yes, we have made it to Friday again (celebrate!) and so it's only fitting I bring you my daily dossier of three things to talk about today. Have a wonderful weekend, and make sure you get in some Christmas shopping! Our third talker today is incredibly moving, and also inspirational. Do not miss it.

1. We all love TV dinners (but also think the dinner table is great)
Where do you eat your dinner? I ask this rather confrontational question as a new survey has found 5 out of every 10 households - 50% - have dinner (their evening meal) in front of the TV! The research for Bisto also revealed that one in five of us (20%) eat our dinner sat at the computer screen on at least four occasions per week. However, that doesn't mean we don't want to eat around the dinner table; 80% of respondents said they thought the dinner table is the best place for the family to gather to celebrate good times, pass on advice and share stories about family history. So it doesn't look like we'll all be eating our Christmas Lunch whilst watching movies on the TV...just yet!

2. The latest Facebook Craze! Sharing 5 happy photos...
The latest craze to sweep Facebook (hot on the trail of the Ice Bucket Challenge and Neck Nomination) has been revealed as sharing five photos that make you happy! Thousands have been sharing their five photos, whilst also nominating friends to do the same. What a great way of getting people sharing happy & uplifting memories...why not ask your colleagues if they have one photo they will treasure forever!

3. This heartwarming video will bring a tear to your eye
A new video on YouTube showing a dad dressed as spiderman delighting his terminally ill son on his birthday has been watched by tens of thousands of people.
Dad Mike Wilson decided to brighten up his little one's day by dressing as the super hero, before jumping off the roof and delighting him!
Writing in the video description, Mike said his son has "been diagnosed with a grade 4 Brain Stem Tumour with an average of 1yr to live". He adds he is 'so proud' he managed to do it for his son, and so are we! Comments on the video include "this is awesome Mike", "I cried so much with joy when I saw this", and "Dad of the century". You can share in the tear-jerker by following the link here

On that incredibly moving yet inspirational note, I hope you have a lovely day. See you again, Ben.

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