Tuesday 25 November 2014

Got a naughty little one? Are they called Joseph, Jake, Ella or Holly?

A new study of children's behaviour has revealed the names of those most likely to be found on the naughty step.

Image - Rgb Hand Prints.
Boy's with the names Joseph, Cameron, William, Jake, Joshua, Jamie, Lewis, Benjamin, Ethan and Luke have been found to be the naughtiest, whilst girl's with the names Ella, Bethany, Elanor, Olivia, Laura, Holly, Courtney, Amber, Caitlin and Jade are said to be the most badly behaved.

The research was commissioned by School Stickers, a reward sticker company, and looked at the names of 63,000 children.

It wasn't just the rogues whose names were collected...the goody-goodies also got a roll call! Among the well behaved boys were the names Jacob, Daniel, Thomas, James and Adam, whilst the golden girls were named as Amy, Georgia, Emma, Charlotte, Grace and Sophie.

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