Tuesday 11 November 2014

Today's Talkers: What to talk about this Tuesday #HolidayAreComing

Hello! Welcome to Tuesday's talkers, your daily dossier of the three things everyone is talking about. Please do keep all those caught up in conflict, historical and ongoing, in your thoughts and prayers today - it is Remembrance Day, the day of the Armistice back in 1918. To Today's Talkers now then, and I was beside myself when, whilst watching X Factor, the Coca Cola Red Trucks advert made its premier on ITV...it was an emotional moment! And, if today's top talker is anything to go by, I'm not in the minority. Enjoy!

1. Holidays are coming...and we're all excited about it!
Image - Coca Cola
Yes, Christmas is just around the corner, and the thing that heralds the start of the Christmas season for Brits has been revealed...as the Coca Cola 'Holidays are Coming' truck advert! This is according to a new survey by ThinkMoney.co.uk, which placed 'Town centre Christmas lights' at second, Putting up the tree at third, and the arrival of the month of December itself at fourth. Also making the top ten was Christmas Eve (5th), Adverts for Christmas Presents (6th) the John Lewis Christmas advert (7th), Advent Calendars going on sale (8th), Last day of work before the holidays (9th) and attending a traditional Christmas market (10th). Click here to read the report from the Metro. 

2. There is going to be another Toy Story movie!
It's the news we have all be waiting for...Toy Story 4 is on its way! It's nearly two decades since the first Toy Story was created, and the man who directed that very first movie, in addition to the second one - John Lasseter - is set to take his seat in the Director's chair once more. The new Toy Story is, according to maker Disney Pixar, set to be released in 2017. We don't know if we can last that long!

3. There was 10% on the Harrods website over the weekend...
...Not that we could have afforded the prices after the reduction, anyway. But it's the thought that counts, and we're sure it sounds great if you know there was 10% off at one of the World's leading independent retailers - whether you bought anything or not! And it's not just Harrods who have a sale on - a quick look around finds all our retailers have got some great discount on at the moment; get ready for some Christmas bargains!

Do enjoy your day, and make sure you have a good idea of what to say!
With best wishes & regards, Ben.

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