Wednesday 19 November 2014

Latte Art? Why not turn the whole cup into a masterpiece? #100CoffeeCups

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Putting Kim Kardashian to shame!
Image - @Yoyoha
Now, I don't know about you, but I always find the regular Coffee Cups (not the lovely Christmas ones, of course) rather dull...which is why I'm delighted I've found Josh Hara on Twitter!

That's because he's the man behind #100CoffeeCups, a social media project which sees him doodle on coffee cups, turning them into pieces of art, before posting pictures of the finished masterpieces on social media sites.

He told the UK's Daily Telegraph newspaper he has been drawing cartoons since he was a kid, but made more 'practical' choices with his career than to become a cartoonist. However, he said he has never stopped making cartoons...and, "thanks to my daily intake of Starbucks, I probably never will".

So whether you're on a coffee break, at your desk, or in the comfort of our own home, enjoy some of these coffee cup creations...
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Image - Yoyoha

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You're not you when you're thirsty...
image - @Yoyoha
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Squirreling around! Image - @yoyoha

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Dog Days! Image - @yoyoha

They certainly brightened up my coffee break! Have a great day. Ben.

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