Thursday 6 November 2014

Today's Talkers: Some thoughts for Thursday's talks at the till!

Hello all! Here are our regular topics you could drop into your light conversation today - be it with a client, customer or a friend. Do let me know any of your conversation ideas, or evaluation's of today's three - we're on twitter; @checkoutchats. Have a great day - Friday is just around the corner!

1. Can you speak another language?
We do live in an ever diversifying World, after all, where it is essential to know more than just "Hello" in your native language! So why not ask someone if they can speak with a second tongue, and tell them about your own linguistic skills too!!
Great 'Ice Breaker' topic when wanting to get to know someone!

2. Did you hear the news about Beyonce? 
...and who hasn't, considering the fact she is one of the planet's biggest mega stars?! The news is that she is the top earning woman in music (read about it on the bbc newsbeat website ) taking home a lovely £72 million last year! Second on the list was Shake It Off singer Taylor Swift, whilst third on the Forbes list was Pink. Rihanna, Katy Perry, J-Lo and Lady Gaga all make it onto the top 10 list - a great topic to chat about if the conversation turns to showbiz!
Great for when someone is talking about showbiz or for a good coffee shop chat!

3. Did you see any fireworks last night?
Last night was bonfire night, so people should have seen SOME fireworks...and take great pleasure in either complaining about the noise, or remarking how wonderful and amazing the rockets were! It's a winner!
Great for hairdressers, passing by or with friends.

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