Monday 10 November 2014

Today's Talkers: Start the week with a sip of something nice...and a good old chat!

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Hello there friends, welcome to another week on Planet Earth! It's great to have your company this Monday morning for our regular three things to chat about today. Over the weekend, I tried a cup of green was my attempt at a health kick. I managed half of it. I think I'll stick to my PG Tips...although I could do with switching to a supermarket own brand, if today's top talker is anything to go by! Have a great day!

1. Supermarket own-brand tea is better than the real thing*
...At least that's according to this new Which? report which has put Morrison's M English Breakfast and Sainsbury's Taste the Difference English Breakfast as the best tea you can buy! It has sparked a debate on which brand of tea is your favourite...a topic perfect (if not a tad controversial) for the staff room! P G Tips are still the nation's favourite tea company, but it looks as though the supermarket's are catching up when it comes to their own alternatives. Why not ask a client or customer which brand of tea they prefer, and ask them for their advice on which tea bags to buy?! I'm sure they will be thrilled to give details on the best blend for biscuits, and the best value tea bags to be found.

2. We're back to work, school and life in general, really...
So it's Monday. As the popular song says, "it's just another manic Monday". Back to school, back to work. I'm sure your customer or client will be delighted to discuss how much they are looking forward to the next five days...then again, they may even tell you how many weeks - or even hours it is until Christmas (I think it's 7?) Your "enjoy the week" or "oh, back to work" may just make someone's day - even asking them 'what did you do at the weekend?' could be a winner. Happy Monday! 

3. Downton Abbey has finished...don't mention X Factor!
Yes, what on Earth will we do with our Saturday nights now? Downton Abbey, series 5, drew to a close last night, after a series which saw the Crawley family facing widespread change, not to mention the emotional plight of beloved dog Isis! If you're looking for something to chat about in the staff room that is Strictly and X Factor free, a review of the Downton series might just do the trick! Or maybe the MTV Awards in Glasgow last night, starring Nicki Minaj, will be a good talking point...although not too many of the artists appeared to actually be there!

Enjoy the day, and the week ahead...why not get in touch on twitter? @checkoutchats.
See you again friends, Ben.

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