Monday 24 November 2014

Today's Talkers: Why your Turkey & all the trimmings will cost less than £2.99 each this Christmas!

Happy Monday! I hope you've had a great weekend, rested well and are ready for another week here on Planet Earth. I'm starting the week with some great news about Christmas...

1. Turkey and all the trimmings...for under £3 per person!
After buying all those presents and decorations for tree, the cost of your Christmas Dinner is likely to be very overwhelming. But don't can feed your family of eight for UNDER £3 per person! Good Housekeeping magazine has worked out that, if you shop around, you can feed eight of you for £21.31. That includes a £9.99 Turkey from Lidl, 49p sprouts from Aldi, 50p cranberry sauce from Tesco and 65p Mince Pies from Sainsbury. So remember that Christmas can cost less than you make think or worry...more to spend on presents!! p.s. I'll have news on a bargain Christmas pudding on this space!

2. M&M Hot Chocolate comes with mini M&M's!
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It's all very exciting! M&M's have released a new Hot Chocolate which comes with mini M&M's inside...just in time for the cold, dark, winter nights! So please, don't get upset that it's Monday...grab one of these on your way home for a mug of M&M chocolate goodness, or if you prefer, Maltesers have released a White Chocolate Hot Chocolate...complete with white chocolate Maltesers! Personally, I'm worried it may be a bit too sickly (discuss with colleagues over the tea break, perhaps?), but I'm sure anyone looking for a sugar kick will take delight in this new, warming drink. Slurp away! 

3. One in three jobs are to be taken over by robots...
That's according to a new study by Oxford University and Deloitte. The report says that 10 million jobs will be at risk over the next two decades, with advances in technology likely to mean real people are not needed for low-paid repetitive roles. High risk jobs are said to include office jobs, sales jobs, transportation and construction jobs, whilst Low risk jobs are named by the report as education, arts, media, healthcare, skilled management, science, engineering, law and community services. Anyone else rushing to the job centre?!

Enjoy your Monday! Ben.

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