Wednesday 5 November 2014

Today's Talkers: While they wait to pay, here's what to say!

How are you this fine Wednesday? Here's today's talkers - the three things to discuss with your customers, clients, or friends today...

1. Are you heading to a bonfire this evening?
Remember, remember the 5th of November (so says the rhyme!) and that's exactly what you should do when it comes to deciding on something to chat about when with a client or friend. It's instantly engaging, as fireworks on bonfire night are traditional, and it focuses on the person you are talking to - and who doesn't love to have a good chat about what they're up to?
Great for clients (e.g. hair salon) or friends (coffee morning, etc)

2. Oooh, hasn't it gone cold!
This one is a winner - it's a light chat about the weather (a favourite British trait) and on something we all agree on (and happens at the same time every year) - its got colder! If you're looking for something light, that will let the other person feel engaged and valued, bring a smile to both of your faces and not be controversial, using this one is a winner (especially if they come into the shop wearing gloves, scarf and hat!!)
Great for use anywhere with anyone - as long as it HAS gone colder!!

3. Are the kids back at school now?
This one is something to ask to someone you know is a parent - they will be more than happy to tell you that their offspring have gone back to the classroom for another half term, after the October half term and Halloween!
Great for anyone you know (hair salon, supermarket) that has kids of school age - use this week only!

Remember, we are half way through the week - you're almost there!
See you soon.

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