Sunday 16 November 2014

Chatterbox Blog: Bob Geldof and Band Aid 30 have done a sensational job

Welcome to Chatterbox - it's where I share my thoughts on anything and everything in the news at the moment. Enjoy!

Bob Geldof has done it again. Since his very first Band Aid single, Geldof has been working tirelessly for those less fortunate than us all in the Western World...whether that's some of the millions starving due to famine, or in this most recent case - Ebola. Ebola is a terrible virus, which means those with the infectious disease cannot be afforded dignity; there own relatives cannot touch them in their dying hours due to risk of the virus spreading. Instead, they spend there final hours surrounded by men and women in alien-like white suits.

Image via the Daily Mirror website. 
Bob Geldof is right to have changed the lyrics of the track to say 'reaching out and touching you' - we need to show these poor, vulnerable, fellow citizens of our planet we do care about them, and we aren't as selfish as it appears; whilst they worry about comforting their dying children after contracting Ebola (possibly as a result of poor sanitation and hygiene), we're all here worrying if there will be any iPhones left in stock for our Christmas shopping. We don't know how lucky we are.
Which is why it's fantastic Geldof and his team of stars, including One Direction, have got behind the charities supporting those battling Ebola with this single.

Celebrities live such privileged lives; millions of pounds, penthouse suites, anything they want, thousands of fans...yet those who have come together for Band Aid 30 show that those in the public eye don't just want everything for themselves - they want to use the exposure they gain, the talents they have, to help others. And help is something the thousands suffering from Ebola in West Africa desperately need.

So nothing makes me prouder than to know that some of this countries best musicians are using their success as a force for good - not only raising much needed funds for a important cause, but also raising awareness of the terrifying outbreak, and the plight of those suffering in ways we simply cannot imagine in West Africa. 

As the lyrics say 'reaching out and touching you' - let's all do our bit this Christmas to help those less fortunate; starting with buying the Band Aid single and helping the victims of this horrific disease. 

Thanks for reading, have a wonderful week...and please do keep those around the World less fortunate in your thoughts and prayers!

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