Wednesday 26 November 2014

Today's Talkers: When you get your 'me' time, teachers and coffee breaks & the £3.99 Christmas Pudding

Hello all, and thanks for visiting for today's talkers. I hope your week is going well, and you're not sick of all this Christmas joy yet! Talking of the festive season, for Talker Three I am revealing why a £3.99 Christmas Pudding has hit the headlines...for all the right reasons! 

1. When do you get your 'me' time? 
A recent interview I read with the rapper Tinie Tempah about the fact he only got time to himself when in the shower got me thinking...when do you get your 'me' time? In the World which we live in, there seem to always be 'on-the-go', but time to be alone and relax, doing something simple you enjoy (perhaps watching TV with a nice drink, or reading a good book), is extremely important. When do you have that little moment of luxury to yourself, when you can just enjoy being in your own company? I always remember swimming lessons, when a mum would sit in the cafe whilst her child was swimming and have a Yorkie chocolate bar; she told me it was her little bit of time 'to herself', something I thought was really lovely! So when do YOU get that little bit of time to yourself?

2. Teachers are addicted to tea and coffee (plus biscuits!)
Whenever you watch a show based in a school, or read a story involving teachers, it's compulsory for the staff room to be filled with boxes of biscuits, chocolates...and of course, coffee cups. I've always seen it as another one of those throw-away stereotypes. but it appears that it is in fact true! I say this after spending a day at a local Primary School, where (in between working, of course) we indulged in biscuits, and numerous rounds of cups of tea and coffee...the latter especially at first break! And as for the staff room, I did feel I had walked into McVities factory, with the number of boxes of crunchy treats (I stuck to the digestives) and boxes of Cadbury Heroes and Celebrations lying around! I do love a good primary school...and a cup of tea and a biscuit!

3. Christmas Pudding? The £3.99 one is the best!
When looking for a Christmas Pudding to impress the in-laws, its easy to turn to an expensive brand, like Fortnum and Mason. However, it seems that the best thing to do is buy the £3.99 one instead (and spend the rest on some quality crackers...those paper hats are getting a little dull)! That's because Morrison's £3.99 Christmas Pudding has topped a blind taste test by consumer group Which? And it's not like the taste testers don't know a good Christmas pud...the Great British Bake Off winner 2013 Frances Quinn was one of the judges! Among the pudding's the Morrisons £3.99 offering beat to top stop were the £12.50 Harrod's Christmas Pud, and £10 pudding from Fortnum & Mason. So you can get value for money AND great tasting food! 

So on that money saving note, have a great day! 

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