Thursday 20 November 2014

Today's Talkers: Some thoughts for this Thursday...all are 100% true*

*I say this because our top talker appears to suggest you don't know who you can trust these days! Please do read on to find out more, and you may like to help yourself to a biscuit (or two) for today's second talker. Enjoy your day!

1. We all lie at least 10 times a week, says a new survey...
10 - it's the average number of times the 'average' person lies every week, according to the results of a new survey by The study also revealed that 41% of us admit being dishonest about the price of a product we have bought, 25% of us lie about how much we drink & 23% of us twist the truth when it comes to our eating habits. 91% of respondents admitted to telling a lie at least once in their lives...meaning the 9% who said they never had are the biggest fibbers of all! And spouses, beware...over half of people admitting lying to their partners! Speaking in response to the findings, Matt Lloyd of said: "little white lies are the part and parcel of everyday life; whether it's about what a person had for lunch, or how much something cost". So what did you really have for lunch - the salad...or the burger? 

2. Can you taste the difference? The big debate over BISCUITS...
Ok, fellow biscuit lovers, here is one for you; a new study has revealed that it doesn't always pay to buy brands when it comes to biscuits! Which? have done a study where participants were given a ginger biscuit from Lidl and another from McVities (with any form of identification of brand removed) and found 39% of respondents said the one from the discounter was the 'real' brand biscuit! Which brings us to the very important supermarkets / discount stores make biscuits just as good as the 'experts' - or does it pay to buy your bourbons and rich teas' from the big name brands (notably McVities). Do feel free to share your views and thoughts...

3. Nigella's got a new cook book coming out (how exciting!)
The original domestic goddess Nigella is to release a brand new cookery book - 'Simply Nigella: Food to Nourish the Body and Soul' - in 2015, her publishing house has announced. The book, which will contain 150 recipes, is "about cooking food that makes our lives easier", and will cover everything from Breakfast to light suppers; in addition to a special section on 'bowl food' - meals to be eaten from a bowl with a fork or spoon! The book will be released in Fall 2015. We can't wait! Image -

And on that exciting note, I bid you farewell!! Enjoy your day

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P.s. tomorrow's talkers should not be missed...I've got a story about how we all love our TV dinners!

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