Monday 10 November 2014

Chatterbox: Pudsey bear is back from his holidays for some fundraising fun on BBC One

Chatterbox is an exclusive new weekly column in which we have a good old natter about something...

Firstly a little update on last week's blog post on the new John Lewis advert - now revealed to star Monty the penguin. I wrote about my excitement at the advert-epic last week, and it certainly hasn't disappointed! You can watch the advert by clicking here. Now, onto this week's topic...

BBC Children in Need
It's on the 14th November.
Image - BBC CiN on
14 November. I want you to save that date. Why? Because it's your chance to Be A Hero! Exciting stuff. That's because its the BBC Children In Need big appeal night, when stars of stage and screen come together to raise lots of cash for children across the UK.

It's a brilliant cause and a brilliant idea, and one that the British public love to get behind. And, with a lovable, giant Yellow bear like Pudsey as mascot, how could you possibly go wrong?

The idea of a TV telethon is a winning formula, with many others now going - think Stand Up To Cancer, Comic Relief and Sport Relief. The idea is simple; dedicate an evening to not only raising awareness of great causes but also to having lots of laughs, fun and great family entertainment, and in return raise lots of money for fabulous charities. It means we can all enjoy ourselves, and then help those less fortunate enjoy themselves more through our generous contributions, too!

Children In Need, and similar charities, are also great for striking up a conversation, especially on appeal night (14 November, did I mention?) Anyone from on the checkout to in the hairdressers can ask "are you watching Children In Need" tonight and you'll not only have a topic everyone instantly recognises, but they'll also remember something from the telethon (e.g. "do you remember the sketch when...").

So, thank you, Children In Need, for a great night of family entertainment for good causes...and some great opportunities to chat about television! 

Until next time,
Chatterbox Chums.

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