Saturday 29 November 2014

The Most Asked Questions of 2014: From Mother's Day and Father's Day to loosing weight and loom bands!

The internet has revolutionised the way we find things out - instead of a timely flick through the encyclopedia, dictionary or other reference book, we can find out the answer to any question in just a click.

The nation went Loom-crazy!
Image -
But what is it that we've all be asking this year? It's How to make Loom Bands! As part of its review of the year, Yahoo! has revealed that this question is the most pressing one in the UK and Ireland for 2014...and it's not surprising considering that the nation has gone loom crazy! Loom Bands took off back in April, when the Duchess Of Cambridge Kate Middleton was pictured wearing one - with other celebrities quickly following suit.

Other questions making the top 10 asked include the date's for Mother's Day and Father's Day, in addition to 'When Do The Clock's Change?' and 'What is the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge?' - another craze on the same level as Loom Bands!

The Most Asked Questions of 2014
10. When is Father's Day?
9. What Does The Fox Say? (yes, that irritating song!!) 
8. Who Killed Lucy Beale on Eastenders? (We'll find out in February next year!)
7. What is the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge? 
6. How can I loose weight?
5. What is my IP address? (all technical for the computer, eh!) 
4. When is Mother's Day?

3. When do the Clock's Change?
2. When is Easter? (Because I don't want to miss the Easter bunny!!) 
1. How do you make loom bands? 

Source - Yahoo! UK and Ireland.

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