Monday 3 November 2014

Why is a conversation at the till important?

Here are our top reasons why having a chat with a customer whilst you scan in their items is important...

1. It makes them happier
2. It makes them feel valued by the store and its staff
3. They may (like millions of people) have not seen any other person that day - except YOU!
4. Your 5 minutes of pointless chit chat will provide escapism from the hassle of everyday life!
5. All supermarkets LOVE their staff to have conversations with customers - you'll do well!
6. As major retailer Waitrose says: "Our check-outs are not simply where our customers pay, but also where they get to enjoy a passing conversation with you" - it's part of your job!
7. You will feel better and happier for it!

...So next time your serving someone, helping someone or maybe even behind someone in a queue, don't blank them! Have some harmless chit chat about the weather, what's on TV, or your pet cat...

Have a great day!

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