Sunday 30 November 2014

Advent Calendar Special 2014: From the one that cost's £ the 24 finger giant KITKAT!

*Below - the best Advent Calendars of 2014...Check out our special gallery!*

If you're looking for a late-buy advent calendar, I think I've found just the one! Not the Peppa Pig one from poundland, but the £125 from Fortnum & Mason! Made of sturdy wood, the spacious advent calendar has 'everything' including white mice and chocolate coins.

Lovely, but I don't think I'd spend so much on an advent calendar...even if it is reusable! 

Other alternatives are a £50 offering from Artisan DU Chocolat and £10 for a Lindt calendar - including snowdrops, reindeer & Lindor Balls. Yes Please! Take a peek at some of the very best...

Saturday 29 November 2014

EXCLUSIVE: The shops already have EASTER CHOCOLATE ON THE SHELVES (and it's not even December!)

EXCLUSIVE It may not even be December yet, but that hasn't stopped the retailers getting ready for EASTER.
It may not even be Christmas, but the stores already have the Easter Eggs out!
Image - Tea Break Chats. 
Yes, that's right...we've already found Cadbury Creme Eggs & Mini eggs in shops...on 29 November!

They were found by Tea Break Chats in a Martin's Newsagents...along with the Christmas chocolate snowmen, reindeer and advent calendars!

So, why not give a box of mini eggs to a loved one for Christmas...I'm sure they would LOVE the gesture!!

Come on Martins, this is ridiculous!

Do you love Christmas carols? Do you love listening non-stop, 365 days a year? Then here's the radio station for you...

A brand new internet radio station has launched playing nothing but Christmas carols...365 days a year.

You can now enjoy non-stop CHRISTMAS CAROLS all 365 days of
the year! Image -
Christmas Carols Radio founder Ben Vane said: "We play nothing but Christmas carols - no novelty Christmas music, just choirs singing traditional music. As far as we know we're the only internet radio station in the World playing nothing but Christmas carols. And we're proud of it!". 

He added of the radio station, which will be broadcast not only in December but all year round, "We hope that the station will help people appreciate more of the Christian message of Christmas". 

Of that decision to keep the carols playing 365 days a year, he added: "We've decided to broadcast all year round to make sure we're listed in the places you'll be looking for us". 

Ben Vane, a former radio presenter who is now training to become a Church of England vicar, was quoted by Radio Today writer Roy Martin. 

The Most Asked Questions of 2014: From Mother's Day and Father's Day to loosing weight and loom bands!

The internet has revolutionised the way we find things out - instead of a timely flick through the encyclopedia, dictionary or other reference book, we can find out the answer to any question in just a click.

The nation went Loom-crazy!
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But what is it that we've all be asking this year? It's How to make Loom Bands! As part of its review of the year, Yahoo! has revealed that this question is the most pressing one in the UK and Ireland for 2014...and it's not surprising considering that the nation has gone loom crazy! Loom Bands took off back in April, when the Duchess Of Cambridge Kate Middleton was pictured wearing one - with other celebrities quickly following suit.

Other questions making the top 10 asked include the date's for Mother's Day and Father's Day, in addition to 'When Do The Clock's Change?' and 'What is the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge?' - another craze on the same level as Loom Bands!

The Most Asked Questions of 2014
10. When is Father's Day?
9. What Does The Fox Say? (yes, that irritating song!!) 
8. Who Killed Lucy Beale on Eastenders? (We'll find out in February next year!)
7. What is the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge? 
6. How can I loose weight?
5. What is my IP address? (all technical for the computer, eh!) 
4. When is Mother's Day?

We're never going to Let It Go now! Idina Menzel reveals a brand new Frozen movie is "in the works"

For the past several months, no one's been able to Let It Go. And it looks like they won't be anytime soon.

Idina is the voice of Elsa, above. Image - Disney. 
That's because Idina Menzel has said a brand new Frozen movie, in addition to a six minute short due in cinema's this festive season, are "in the works".

The singer and voice of Elsa made the comments - set to send Frozen fans into a frenzy - during an interview with Britain's Telegraph newspaper.

And what tips do we have for singing the famous track, Let It Go, next time we're on the karaoke?
Well, it appears even Idina struggles..."I can barely sing it sometimes", she claims, adding: "I can't wake up in the morning and just sing it".  You're not the only one!

Friday 28 November 2014

I'm A Celebrity: Star Gemma Collins fights back tears as she discusses her ordeal on live TV

Reality TV star Gemma Collins has fought back tears as she revealed details of her ordeal in the jungle. The TOWIE regular told This Morning that, in hindsight, "I should never have got on the plane to go".

Black Friday Frenzy: Police deployed across the country amid mad rush for bargains

Shoppers have stampeded into stores across the country amid a mad rush for discounts. Police were last night deployed to stores across the UK after thousands of bargain hunters began arriving at shops, ahead of Black Friday sales starting first thing this morning.

£6,000 is set to be spent EVERY SECOND today in the UK alone.

In addition to U.S. retailers Asda and Amazon, U.K retailers are getting involved in the Black Friday bonanza, with Marks and Spencer's launching a four-day-event, plus stores including Body Shop and Argos expected to have special offers.

Two arrests are reported to have been made by police attempting to keep order amid the dash to find the best bargains ahead of Christmas! Black Friday, which will be preceded by Cyber Monday on 1 December, traditionally falls the first Friday after Thanksgiving.

Thursday 27 November 2014

Do your parents think you'll never grow up? Here's what to do to prove otherwise...

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Do you feel that your parents still treat you like you're a six year old? Well, a new survey may just come in handy! The National Citizen Service poll has revealed the number one influential experience that parent's believe helps young people transition from being an adolescent to being an adult is Learning to drive, with 39% of respondents naming this as a top way to transition.

Second on the list is Leaving home for the first time (29%), third is Going on Holiday without Your parents (28%), whilst fourth is Your first job or part time job (27%).

Also making the top ten results of the survey is Going to university, Your first Relationship, Travelling/Gap year, and Drinking Alcohol for the first time!

So there we have your driving test and never be treated like a tot again! 

Why I'm Thankful: We celebrate the best of Thanksgiving Day - including Family, Friends...and Hot Chocolate!

To mark Thanksgiving day, people from America and across the globe have been sharing reasons why they are Thankful. Often, we focus too much on the negatives in our lives, which is why its wonderful to see this uplifting and inspiring hash-tag trending globally. So why are you thankful?

Some of the shared #WhyIAmThankful messages...

'I have friends looking out for my safety and well being'
- Hitendrasinh Zala

'Exchange year in the USA. Family. Host Family. Friends. Love. Happiness. Food. Hot Chocolate. Pets. Travel. Music. Books.' 
- Brankica
'Amazing & healthy friends and family, Desperate Housewives, Mac Twig lipstick, full fridge, vacation soon...graduating'
- Emma

'For My Education, for all my amazing friends and family, for my beautiful babies, for a job to pay my bills, and my adorable Boyfriend' - Mariah

Amazing Cakes: We celebrate a new show on the BBC tonight with some amazing treats...

There's a show all about cakes on BBC Four tonight (I know!), in which Nigel Slater will take a trip back in time to explore the earliest origins of cake in Britain. We do all love a cake...from a chocolate sponge to a Victoria sponge! I do also enjoy a carrot cake or banana loaf as well!

So, to celebrate the show, I've been finding some fantastic cakes online...

All at sea! Image -
This will be gone in no time at all! image. 

Breakfast in Bed? Cake in Bed? A Cake-Bed? Yes please! image -

Wow! Image -

A rubik's CAKE!     Image -

Yum! A new Popping Candy Chocolate Spread has been launched...and we're very excited! (Who isn't?)

Image for Sainsbury's Popping Candy Chocolate Spread 400g from Sainsbury's
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Ladies and Gentlemen, toast is now no longer boring...a POPPING CANDY CHOCOLATE SPREAD now exists!

Sainsbury's is selling the spread for £1.50 a tub, meaning you can indulge in this delicious spread without breaking the bank! Whether its a way to start your day with a BANG, or to treat yourself after a long day at the office, this spread looks like a lovely little treat.

Reviews left on the supermarket's website said the spread was a "nice combination" and "grown-ups came back for more" when used in a cake...with the cake popping when eaten!

What a treat!

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Gaga goes, well, Gaga! The pop star takes her style to new depths (literally!)

View image on Twitter
Image: Lady Gaga on twitter
Anyone out in Paris in the early hours of the 25 November would be forgiven for thinking they had had just a little too much to drink...before realising that what they just saw was no trick of the imagination.

That's because pop star Lady Gaga decided to head out dressed as a giant sea urchin...and kept it cool with the simple tweet: "I'm a star". Nice.

Gaga is, of course, no stranger to going Gaga when it comes to her dress sense...she famously wore a dress made of MEAT to one awards bash.

The star (in more ways than one) went down a treat on Twitter, where Lady Gaga posted the snap, left. 10,000 people re-tweeted her photo within hours, whilst a further 14,000 people favourited the tweet.

Her eccentric dress (should I call it a dress?) was all to celebrate the end of her Art Pop tour. How to go out in style, eh...well, Lady Gaga style, anyway!

Congratulations, Andy! Tennis star Murray gets engaged to long standing love Kim Sears

Engaged at last: Tennis star Andy Murray has proposed to Kim Sears, his partner of more than nine yearsWimbledon winning tennis star Andy Murray has proposed to long term girlfriend Kim Sears, according to reports this evening.

Andy's agent has confirmed the news - although it's not known when or where Mr Murray popped the question. He's been with Kim Sears for nine years, and has previously said he couldn't of won the 2013 Wimbledon tournament without her support.

Congratulations, Andy and Kim!

Image - AFP / Getty Images via Daily Mail.

Do you love the new look Love Hearts? 'Tweet Me', 'Skype Me' and 'YOLO' are among the new designs!

LoveHearts New Generation
The competition winners include 'YOLO' and 'Tweet Me'.   Image - Heart FM
They were the highlights of our childhoods. Giving out those cute love heart sweets with little romantic messages on the front. Well now the hearts have been hauled into the 21st century with a brand new range of messages...including 'tweet me', 'YOLO' and 'Skype me!'

The new messages have been designed by fans of the Swizzels product, after the company launched a competition to mark 60 years of Love Hearts. 

So what do you think of the new sweets? Perhaps you could 'Tweet Me' your thoughts, 'Take A Selfie' with one, or even 'Skype Me!' - Alreet Pet?  

Today's Talkers: When you get your 'me' time, teachers and coffee breaks & the £3.99 Christmas Pudding

Hello all, and thanks for visiting for today's talkers. I hope your week is going well, and you're not sick of all this Christmas joy yet! Talking of the festive season, for Talker Three I am revealing why a £3.99 Christmas Pudding has hit the headlines...for all the right reasons! 

1. When do you get your 'me' time? 
A recent interview I read with the rapper Tinie Tempah about the fact he only got time to himself when in the shower got me thinking...when do you get your 'me' time? In the World which we live in, there seem to always be 'on-the-go', but time to be alone and relax, doing something simple you enjoy (perhaps watching TV with a nice drink, or reading a good book), is extremely important. When do you have that little moment of luxury to yourself, when you can just enjoy being in your own company? I always remember swimming lessons, when a mum would sit in the cafe whilst her child was swimming and have a Yorkie chocolate bar; she told me it was her little bit of time 'to herself', something I thought was really lovely! So when do YOU get that little bit of time to yourself?

2. Teachers are addicted to tea and coffee (plus biscuits!)
Whenever you watch a show based in a school, or read a story involving teachers, it's compulsory for the staff room to be filled with boxes of biscuits, chocolates...and of course, coffee cups. I've always seen it as another one of those throw-away stereotypes. but it appears that it is in fact true! I say this after spending a day at a local Primary School, where (in between working, of course) we indulged in biscuits, and numerous rounds of cups of tea and coffee...the latter especially at first break! And as for the staff room, I did feel I had walked into McVities factory, with the number of boxes of crunchy treats (I stuck to the digestives) and boxes of Cadbury Heroes and Celebrations lying around! I do love a good primary school...and a cup of tea and a biscuit!

3. Christmas Pudding? The £3.99 one is the best!
When looking for a Christmas Pudding to impress the in-laws, its easy to turn to an expensive brand, like Fortnum and Mason. However, it seems that the best thing to do is buy the £3.99 one instead (and spend the rest on some quality crackers...those paper hats are getting a little dull)! That's because Morrison's £3.99 Christmas Pudding has topped a blind taste test by consumer group Which? And it's not like the taste testers don't know a good Christmas pud...the Great British Bake Off winner 2013 Frances Quinn was one of the judges! Among the pudding's the Morrisons £3.99 offering beat to top stop were the £12.50 Harrod's Christmas Pud, and £10 pudding from Fortnum & Mason. So you can get value for money AND great tasting food! 

So on that money saving note, have a great day! 

So I joined Twitter! @CheckoutChats if you dare to 'follow' or 'tweet' me!
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Meet the man whose taste buds have been insured for a MILLION POUNDS (He drinks TEA for a living!)

Now, we've heard of house insurance, travel insurance, and even life insurance...but one that's never really occurred to us is taste-bud insurance.

Yes, you read that right, TASTE BUD insurance...for the hefty sum of one MILLION pounds!

His taste buds are worth one MILLION pounds. No Joke. Image - Sky News
The owner of those £1,000,000 taste buds is Sebastian Michaelis, who works for the tea-bag company Tetley. As part of his 'training' for the role of master blender, Sebastian took a FIVE YEAR training 'course' in, yes, tasting tea!

According to Tetley, its experts can taste up to 1,000 different teas a day, a Michaelis claims to be able to taste and grade tea using a "slurp and spit" method in just 15 seconds.

With Britain a nation of tea lovers (165 million cups of tea are drunk every DAY in the UK), it does appear there is a need for tea experts...along with their £1,000,000 taste buds!

Not bad for drinking tea all day, eh...I wonder if he gets a biscuit with each one too?

Special Report: BBC promises Christmas magic with Festive season schedule

The BBC has unveiled its Festive offerings, with the corporation's director of TV promising the line-up will be "one of our best ever".

The BBC festive highlights have been unveiled       Image - BBC
Highlights are set to include the Doctor Who Christmas Special, a dramatisation of Roald Dahl's Esio Trot novel, an animated re-working of the nativity story based on a Michael Morpurgo book, a two part Top Gear Special, plus festive editions of favourites Mrs Browns Boys, Citizen Khan, Miranda, and Still Open All Hours. Sir Bruce Forsyth  and Tess Daly will also have a panto-themed Strictly Christmas Special, guaranteed to delight Strictly fans across the nation!

There will also be a variety show fronted by comic John Bishop, film premiers including The Muppets, more from Gareth Malone with a new Military Wives choir, and a family drama starring Harry Hill - The Incredible Adventures of Professor Brainstorm. David Walliam's book The Boy In The Dress will also be dramatised.

Firm favourites Pointless, Would I Lie To You and Mastermind will also make appearances over the festive season.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Got a naughty little one? Are they called Joseph, Jake, Ella or Holly?

A new study of children's behaviour has revealed the names of those most likely to be found on the naughty step.

Image - Rgb Hand Prints.
Boy's with the names Joseph, Cameron, William, Jake, Joshua, Jamie, Lewis, Benjamin, Ethan and Luke have been found to be the naughtiest, whilst girl's with the names Ella, Bethany, Elanor, Olivia, Laura, Holly, Courtney, Amber, Caitlin and Jade are said to be the most badly behaved.

The research was commissioned by School Stickers, a reward sticker company, and looked at the names of 63,000 children.

It wasn't just the rogues whose names were collected...the goody-goodies also got a roll call! Among the well behaved boys were the names Jacob, Daniel, Thomas, James and Adam, whilst the golden girls were named as Amy, Georgia, Emma, Charlotte, Grace and Sophie.

Today's Talkers: Paddington Bear, National Lottery Millionaires...and Jungle Luxuries!

Hello all, it's great to have your company for another dossier of Talkers! I've loved thinking about today's talkers...what would you do if you won the lottery and, in true 'I'm a Celebrity' spirit, what luxury item would you take with you into the jungle? 

1. Oh Paddington! The lovable little bear now has innuendo and bad language...
He looks so innocent!
Image -
You may need to sit down. It appears our favourite little bear, Paddington, isn't as sweet and innocent as the marmalade on his sandwiches. His upcoming movie has been given a PARENTAL GUIDANCE rating, rather than the 'U' Universal one expected, as a result of mild sex threat references, innuendo (it had initially been described as having 'mild sex references', but after outcry from producers, this was changed!) in addition to dangerous behaviour and 'mild' bad language. I am speechless! 

2. Happy Birthday, National Lottery! 
It's now twenty years since the National Lottery was launched, creating more than 3,700 millionaires in two decades! Over £50 BILLION has been given away in prizes, although I haven't exactly had the best of luck. That's not surprising though, as it's thought you have a one in 14 million chance of winning the jackpot by matching all six numbers. The fact that you have a 1 in 57 chance of matching three numbers per ticket is perhaps a better statistic to go with! So who are the winners behind the numbers? Well, husband and wife Colin and Christine Weir won an amazing £161.1 million EuroMillions jackpot...I Know! So what so spend all that money on? Dean Allen won £13.8 million in 2000 and said of his win: "I've flown a jet plane in the Florida Keys, gone ice racing in Finland and skydived in Devon. But the most rewarding part has been being able to help out my family and support charities close to my heart". Here's to the next two decades! 
What little luxury would you choose?
Image - ITV / via the site.

3. What one item would you take into the jungle?
How are you enjoying ITV's I'm a Celebrity Got Me Here? All this jungle action has got me thinking...if you went onto the 'survival' show, isolated in the middle of the jungle, what one little luxury would you take? A favourite book, some make up, a chocolate bar (big one, of course!) or a favourite duvet or cushion?! And, before you start, an iPhone with wifi is not an option!!

I'll leave you to ponder that one! Have a great Tuesday.

The richest young celebrities have been revealed...including the 20 year old with $80 million

Look who earned
$80 million in a year!
Image - teen vogue. 
Forbes have released a list of the richest young celebrities...with Justin Bieber taking the top spot.

The Baby singer has made a staggering $80 million in the past year, according to Forbes...and is only 20 years old!

Second on the list were One Direction ($75 million dollars in the past year), Taylor Swift ($64 million dollars) was third, and at fourth was Bruno Mars ($60 million).

The estimates are taken based on earnings from June 2013 to June 2014. Stars making the top ten also included Jennifer Lawrence, Miley Cyrus Lady Gaga and Avicii.

The top 5 earning celebrities under 30...
1. Justin Bieber ($80 million) 
2. One Direction ($75 million)
3. Taylor Swift ($64 million)
4. Bruno Mars ($60 million)
5. Rihanna ($48 million) 
Source - Forbes

Monday 24 November 2014

Why watching the TV means you are piling on the pounds...according to a diet firm, anyway

Soap, reality TV and Sports addicts look away appears our regular viewing is resulting in some serious diet lapses. Although I'm taking the findings of this new survey with a pinch of salt (no pun intended!!) 

A new poll of 1,000 people for diet firm (surprise, surprise) Forza Supplements has found six out of ten of us admit to eating snacks such as biscuits and crisps in front of the TV even if we aren't hungry.

What would your I'm a Celebrity 'treat' be if you were on the show?

Imagine the scenario. You've been living on basic rations of beans and rice for the past week, practically running on empty, and now you can have anything you want (just one thing, mind you) what would it be?

That's the question asked on Heat Radio earlier today, and there was no shortage in listeners giving their treats...maltesers, twiglet crisps and Quaver crisps were among the goodies named!

So that inspired me to share some of mine with you...let me know what your 'treat' would be after days living on basic rations in a jungle in the middle of no where!!

Katy Perry announced as the Super Bowl 2015 half time performer - star says she "can't wait"

Image - twitter. 
It's seen by many as the biggest gig of the year, so it's no surprise KATY PERRY is delighted she will be performing in the half time concert at the 2015 Super Bowl.

The pop star, behind hits including I Kissed A Girl, Firework and Dark Horse, said she "can't wait" for February 1, when the Super Bowl takes place.

She later tweeted that not long ago she was "playing guitar on the streets of Santa Barbara for maybe 20 bucks a day & an avocado" adding: "Wow, life!"

Past performers in the Super Bowl half time concert include Madonna, Prince, and Michael Jackson.

Perry added that she has already started testing out ideas. We can't wait!

If Heaven came in a box...the new three-layered pizza box that has got everybody talking

This three-layered pizza box is the future
The first layer has your pizza, second four sides, dips and pickles, and third a giant chocolate chip cookie. Photo from
Papa John's Korea via

We all love a good takeaway pizza...and this one takes it to the next level!

Papa John's offers a three level pizza box, complete with pizza, sides and giant cookie ALL IN ONE BOX! (I think I may need a sit down.)

They're currently available in South Korea, according to, so let's hope the idea catches on globally! How exciting can takeaway pizza get? Very, by the looks of things!

One Direction...up, up & up! The boys scoop three prizes at the AMA awards

One Direction
The band on stage. Image - getty images, via the BBC. 
One Direction have been celebrating after scooping three prizes at the American Music Awards in Los Angeles on Sunday, the same day as their brand new album went straight to the top of the charts. 

1D won artist of the year, favourite pop/rock album, and favourite band, duo, or group. 

And if that wasn't enough, the boy's brand new album Four, has gone to the top of the album charts. That's not the only good news for One Direction fans - the band's Liam Payne has said there's "definetley another album coming". *Cue screaming and hysteria*

Today's Talkers: Why your Turkey & all the trimmings will cost less than £2.99 each this Christmas!

Happy Monday! I hope you've had a great weekend, rested well and are ready for another week here on Planet Earth. I'm starting the week with some great news about Christmas...

1. Turkey and all the trimmings...for under £3 per person!
After buying all those presents and decorations for tree, the cost of your Christmas Dinner is likely to be very overwhelming. But don't can feed your family of eight for UNDER £3 per person! Good Housekeeping magazine has worked out that, if you shop around, you can feed eight of you for £21.31. That includes a £9.99 Turkey from Lidl, 49p sprouts from Aldi, 50p cranberry sauce from Tesco and 65p Mince Pies from Sainsbury. So remember that Christmas can cost less than you make think or worry...more to spend on presents!! p.s. I'll have news on a bargain Christmas pudding on this space!

2. M&M Hot Chocolate comes with mini M&M's!
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It's all very exciting! M&M's have released a new Hot Chocolate which comes with mini M&M's inside...just in time for the cold, dark, winter nights! So please, don't get upset that it's Monday...grab one of these on your way home for a mug of M&M chocolate goodness, or if you prefer, Maltesers have released a White Chocolate Hot Chocolate...complete with white chocolate Maltesers! Personally, I'm worried it may be a bit too sickly (discuss with colleagues over the tea break, perhaps?), but I'm sure anyone looking for a sugar kick will take delight in this new, warming drink. Slurp away! 

3. One in three jobs are to be taken over by robots...
That's according to a new study by Oxford University and Deloitte. The report says that 10 million jobs will be at risk over the next two decades, with advances in technology likely to mean real people are not needed for low-paid repetitive roles. High risk jobs are said to include office jobs, sales jobs, transportation and construction jobs, whilst Low risk jobs are named by the report as education, arts, media, healthcare, skilled management, science, engineering, law and community services. Anyone else rushing to the job centre?!

Enjoy your Monday! Ben.

Sunday 23 November 2014

Charts: Band Aid 30 goes straight to number one with Ebola appeal single

Bob Geldof's Band Aid 30 Group has gone straight to number one with 'Do They Know It's Christmas'. 

Stars including One Direction, Olly Murs, Ellie Goulding and Chris Martin of Coldplay joined Sir Bob to record the track a week ago, with the single then released last Monday. Hundreds of thousands of copies have sold, with the proceeds going towards fighting the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. The outbreak of the disease has claimed over 5,000 lives so far.

The Band Aid 30 Track has hit Number One in 60 countries Worldwide.
Image - Band Aid. 
'Do They Know It's Christmas' went to Number One in both the Official Chart Company chart, and the Vodafone Big Top 40 Chart. The single has also hit the top of the charts in 60 countries around the World. 

One Direction band member Niall Horan tweeted that the single had "smashed everything else out of the park" adding; "So Happy".

Well done everyone!

Text Santa 2014: Phillip Schofield set for 24 hour telethon - "There's nowhere to hide"

This Morning favourite Phillip Schofield is set for a 24 hour telethon, which will see him present non-stop on ITV for a whole day.
Schofield will broadcast for 24 hours
at the beginning of December.
Image - Twitter. 

Phillip will feature on numerous shows including Good Morning Britain, Loose Women and even National Weather broadcasts! The whole 24 hours are set to be broadcast on ITV 3, with broadcasts throughout the day on the main ITV channel.

Chatterbox: Let's honour the Christmas Truce of World War One with a Truce of our own

Chatterbox - The weekly blog where I share my opinion about a story in the news. 

There has been a great deal of coverage, and rightly so, of the World War One Christmas Truce - when, a century ago, those on both sides of the conflict put the horrors of conflict aside and came together in a game of football, before exchanging gifts, on Christmas Day.
The Truce.        Image - Wikipedia

Sainsbury's have brought this to prominence in the UK, with their Christmas advert (3 minutes long) featuring the game. A statue has been erected to mark the truce, and features two soldiers shaking hands. Speaking in response to the statue, one gentleman was quoted as saying; "Come to Flanders and play - and call for a Worldwide truce this Christmas".

This comment has great significance, and I believe should be heard by everyone on Earth this Christmas. We have clearly not learn't from the lessons of the past; that 100 years on, thousands of lives are still being lost every month because of barbaric conflict. 100 years on.

So please, keep that message in mind - think of the poor souls in the dozens of War zones around the World this Christmas...let's hope for a lasting truce, for peace on Earth. Let's save millions of lives.

Do enjoy your day. 

Friday 21 November 2014

Today's Talkers: Happy Friday everyone! Are you starting the weekend with a TV dinner tonight? Find out why I ask...

Yes, we have made it to Friday again (celebrate!) and so it's only fitting I bring you my daily dossier of three things to talk about today. Have a wonderful weekend, and make sure you get in some Christmas shopping! Our third talker today is incredibly moving, and also inspirational. Do not miss it.

1. We all love TV dinners (but also think the dinner table is great)
Where do you eat your dinner? I ask this rather confrontational question as a new survey has found 5 out of every 10 households - 50% - have dinner (their evening meal) in front of the TV! The research for Bisto also revealed that one in five of us (20%) eat our dinner sat at the computer screen on at least four occasions per week. However, that doesn't mean we don't want to eat around the dinner table; 80% of respondents said they thought the dinner table is the best place for the family to gather to celebrate good times, pass on advice and share stories about family history. So it doesn't look like we'll all be eating our Christmas Lunch whilst watching movies on the TV...just yet!

2. The latest Facebook Craze! Sharing 5 happy photos...
The latest craze to sweep Facebook (hot on the trail of the Ice Bucket Challenge and Neck Nomination) has been revealed as sharing five photos that make you happy! Thousands have been sharing their five photos, whilst also nominating friends to do the same. What a great way of getting people sharing happy & uplifting memories...why not ask your colleagues if they have one photo they will treasure forever!

3. This heartwarming video will bring a tear to your eye
A new video on YouTube showing a dad dressed as spiderman delighting his terminally ill son on his birthday has been watched by tens of thousands of people.
Dad Mike Wilson decided to brighten up his little one's day by dressing as the super hero, before jumping off the roof and delighting him!
Writing in the video description, Mike said his son has "been diagnosed with a grade 4 Brain Stem Tumour with an average of 1yr to live". He adds he is 'so proud' he managed to do it for his son, and so are we! Comments on the video include "this is awesome Mike", "I cried so much with joy when I saw this", and "Dad of the century". You can share in the tear-jerker by following the link here

On that incredibly moving yet inspirational note, I hope you have a lovely day. See you again, Ben.

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Thursday 20 November 2014

Today's Talkers: Some thoughts for this Thursday...all are 100% true*

*I say this because our top talker appears to suggest you don't know who you can trust these days! Please do read on to find out more, and you may like to help yourself to a biscuit (or two) for today's second talker. Enjoy your day!

1. We all lie at least 10 times a week, says a new survey...
10 - it's the average number of times the 'average' person lies every week, according to the results of a new survey by The study also revealed that 41% of us admit being dishonest about the price of a product we have bought, 25% of us lie about how much we drink & 23% of us twist the truth when it comes to our eating habits. 91% of respondents admitted to telling a lie at least once in their lives...meaning the 9% who said they never had are the biggest fibbers of all! And spouses, beware...over half of people admitting lying to their partners! Speaking in response to the findings, Matt Lloyd of said: "little white lies are the part and parcel of everyday life; whether it's about what a person had for lunch, or how much something cost". So what did you really have for lunch - the salad...or the burger? 

2. Can you taste the difference? The big debate over BISCUITS...
Ok, fellow biscuit lovers, here is one for you; a new study has revealed that it doesn't always pay to buy brands when it comes to biscuits! Which? have done a study where participants were given a ginger biscuit from Lidl and another from McVities (with any form of identification of brand removed) and found 39% of respondents said the one from the discounter was the 'real' brand biscuit! Which brings us to the very important supermarkets / discount stores make biscuits just as good as the 'experts' - or does it pay to buy your bourbons and rich teas' from the big name brands (notably McVities). Do feel free to share your views and thoughts...

3. Nigella's got a new cook book coming out (how exciting!)
The original domestic goddess Nigella is to release a brand new cookery book - 'Simply Nigella: Food to Nourish the Body and Soul' - in 2015, her publishing house has announced. The book, which will contain 150 recipes, is "about cooking food that makes our lives easier", and will cover everything from Breakfast to light suppers; in addition to a special section on 'bowl food' - meals to be eaten from a bowl with a fork or spoon! The book will be released in Fall 2015. We can't wait! Image -

And on that exciting note, I bid you farewell!! Enjoy your day

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P.s. tomorrow's talkers should not be missed...I've got a story about how we all love our TV dinners!

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Latte Art? Why not turn the whole cup into a masterpiece? #100CoffeeCups

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Putting Kim Kardashian to shame!
Image - @Yoyoha
Now, I don't know about you, but I always find the regular Coffee Cups (not the lovely Christmas ones, of course) rather dull...which is why I'm delighted I've found Josh Hara on Twitter!

That's because he's the man behind #100CoffeeCups, a social media project which sees him doodle on coffee cups, turning them into pieces of art, before posting pictures of the finished masterpieces on social media sites.

He told the UK's Daily Telegraph newspaper he has been drawing cartoons since he was a kid, but made more 'practical' choices with his career than to become a cartoonist. However, he said he has never stopped making cartoons...and, "thanks to my daily intake of Starbucks, I probably never will".

So whether you're on a coffee break, at your desk, or in the comfort of our own home, enjoy some of these coffee cup creations...
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Image - Yoyoha

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You're not you when you're thirsty...
image - @Yoyoha
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Squirreling around! Image - @yoyoha

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Dog Days! Image - @yoyoha

They certainly brightened up my coffee break! Have a great day. Ben.

Today's Talkers: Your top talkers for this Wednesday (including the confirmation Christmas starts in August)

The Wispa Biscuit (or
what's left of it!!) 
Hello, I hope you are well this Wednesday!
 Now if you're reading this on your tea break, may I make a recommendation to you - Wispa Biscuits! These delicious treats are a delicious layer of biscuit, coated with that lovely Dairy Milk chocolate...with a layer of Wispa chocolate sandwiched in between! These are absolutely heavenly, and if you're a fan of Cadbury's (specifically Wispa-style chocolate) then I know this one is for you. The chocolately taste is just wonderful! Anyway, back to the day's top talkers, and our 2nd talker today is all about the most Influential Book in the World...

1. It's official: Christmas starts in August!
As a big fan of the season to be jolly, I'm delighted that it has officially been confirmed that Christmas does in fact start in August! The supermarkets have know all along that the Summer is in fact the time we start feeling festive (August is the month they put all the Christmas chocolate out - I had a Maltesers reindeer on August bank Holiday!) and now the Royal Statistical Society has said we start preparing on 19 August - to be precise!! Stats show August sees a notable increase for searches of words including 'Santa Claus', 'elf' and 'presents'. That means we're all ready to tuck into the turkey four months early...compared to 2007 when we started feeling festive in November! So, just remember that it is now official...Christmas is starting earlier and earlier (in August, to be precise!) 

2. The World's most influential book to humanity is...
...The Bible! Yes, the Christian Holy Book has topped a survey for the Folio Society asking members of the public to rank books which are the 'most valuable to humanity'. Second on the list, compiled by a survey of 2,044 adults by You Gov, was the Origin of Species, whilst third place went to Stephen Hawkins 'A Brief History of Time'. Nineteen-Eighty-Four, To Kill A Mockingbird and the Qu'ran also made the top 10.

3. You can start going to the gym for £5 a month (yes, really!)
The excuse that you're saving up to go on a World cruise and so don't have enough money for all that complicated gym membership has just been quashed - Sports Direct have unveiled plans to open gyms costing £5 a month for membership (albeit with a £10 joining fee). A spokesperson for the chain said they are going to 'revolutionise' the budget gym market, although I may be fearful of health and safety on the equipment, if they're only getting £1 a week off me! But still, great to know we can shed the pounds without shedding our bank balances!

That's your lot for today then friends, thanks for joining enjoy the rest of the week! Whilst you're here, you may find this story about a news presenter who wore the same suit FOR A YEAR interesting. Just saying.

See you again, Ben.

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Tuesday 18 November 2014

Meet the TV show host who wore the same outfit for a YEAR (and no one noticed!)

You would think a presenter on national television broadcasting to millions each morning would ensure they are impeccably dressed, and wearing the very latest trend.
Karl Stefanovic (left) has worn the same suit for a year on the Australian
Today programme. Image - the programme's website. 
However one man hasn't quite followed that assumption...the Australian TV anchor has worn the same suit for the PAST YEAR. 

Karl Stefanovic said he had decided to embark on his endeavor after being frustrated by the sexism relating to appearance his female colleagues had endured whilst appearing on the show. 

He said: "No one has noticed...but women, they wear the wrong colour and they get pulled up. They say the wrong thing and there are thousands of tweets written about them", adding that women are "more harshly and keenly" judged for "what they do, what they say, and what they wear" than men. 

The fact that Mr Stefanovic has kept the same Burberry suit on whilst on air for the past year was only revealed this week, after NOBODY noticed and contacted the show, according to the programme's website. Oh yes, and he did say he had dry cleaned the suit a couple of times during the past 365 days. Thank goodness!

By Ben Wardle for Checkout Chats. 

Today's Talkers: Here's your guide to Tuesday's top talkers...including a new Santa TOILET set!

Greetings, friends, and welcome to your Tuesday Talkers! Now, today's second talker - a best selling loo set - may have you spluttering into your coffee cup. Don't say I didn't warn you! The countdown to Christmas really is underway (well, it did begin back in September) so I hope you're ready with your cards, crackers & ready for some carols on the radio! We've got two Christmas themed talkers our third talker is a shocker concerning Peppa Pig! Have a great day..

1. Expanding Waistlines: Cinema has to remove seats to fit us in!
The News keeps telling us we're in the grips of an obesity crisis, and it appears they aren't kidding. Well, that's if the Malvern Cinema in Worcestershire is anything to go by, anyway. That's because the cinema, one of the UK's oldest, has had to replace all its seats and remove 40 seats entirely in a bid to fit us all in! The new seats at the grade-II listed building are now four inches wider, meaning our modern waistlines can watch movies more comfortably. I suppose this isn't surprising considering the amount of sweets, chocolate, ice cream, popcorn and crisps which are sold in cinema's these days, not to mention the pick 'n' mix and giant Coca Cola options on offer, too! I'm sure this cinema will make up for lost revenue from the loss of 40 seats through sales of sweet fruit bags or carrot sticks around, I see! Share bag of Minstrels, anyone? 

2. It's a Best Seller! Santa LOO seat set selling out on Amazon!
Loo-vely! Image -

When you're thinking about putting the tinsel on the tree, and the decorations around the living room, please spare a thought for the bathroom. Maybe a seasonal soap might be on the side, or a little Santa hat on the rubber duck? Apart from that, the small room is often left out of the festivities. Not this year, oh no, as Amazon have began selling a 'Happy Santa Toilet Seat Cover + Rug Bathroom Set' for £7.99. And it's the Amazon Number One best seller in 'Novelty Decorations'! I say no more. The set even includes a holder for your toilet paper, completing the perfect Christmas bathroom...sure to delight any guests you have staying for Christmas! So, please don't loo-se site of this deal, if you pardon the pun, as it comes with free Postage and Packaging.
Season's greetings! 

3. Peppa Pig (that innocent children's character) is being SUED!
What can I say except 'Poor Peppa!' The innocent, sweet, and yes, rather irritating Peppa Pig is being sued by a woman who shares the same name as a character from the show.
Gabrielle Capra, from Italy, shares a name with the character Gabriella Goat (the word Capra means Goat in Italian!) and she claims she has been 'teased' as a result. She wants £80,000 from the programme's producers as a result, according to this report from the Guardian.

With Best Wishes for this Tuesday to all,

P.s. don't miss tomorrow's talkers...I've got confirmation Christmas started back in AUGUST! (All will be revealed in 24 hours!!) 

Monday 17 November 2014

Today's Talkers: What to have a chat about this Monday, including a biscuit scandal and SINGLES day!

Welcome to Monday! I'm here with your guide to the three things you should mention in your conversations throughout the day - be it whilst you're hairdressing, on the checkout, or having a brew in the staff room! Please, don't let me keep you any longer, there's work to be done...

The Sunday Mirror report. Image - CheckoutChats
1. Festive Chocolates SHRINKING scandal! (I know!)
We start the week with some shocking but unsurprising news...whilst the prices of our Christmas confectionery boxes continue to rise, the packets themselves are getting smaller and smaller. This has been confirmed by the Sunday Mirror, whose investigation has shocked me to the core. This really is a modern day scandal. Among the findings of the Mirror investigation were the fact Terry's Chocolate Orange sharing segments have gone from 330g to 300g, whilst a Fox's Biscuit tin has gone from 650g to just 600g. Perhaps the biggest scandal of all, Jelly Babies have gone from 540g to just 460g - and no similar drop in price has been seen! It's almost as terrible as the fact the Co-Operative and selling Poppy Candy Freddo's for 28p. What can I say? So please, do share this emotional news with friends and family, although a warning of distressing information may be advisable. As the headline reads, it is a CHOCCY HORROR!

2. Last Tuesday was Single's day in China (take that, lovers!)
So, after that little moment of scandal, it's time to get back to our regular daily talkers, and this one if for all us single pringles out there! It's now six days since the biggest online retail sales day...SINGLES DAY! It was a day to celebrate being single, a sort of anti-Valentines day, and sales reached over $9 BILLION (that's over £5 billion) with people buying presents for, well, themselves! Alright for some! So, if you missed singles day, never fear...Valentine's Day will soon be here. In the mean time, pencil next year's Single's Day in the diary (unless the horoscope has predicted you'll be lucky in love in 2015, that is!!)

3. I'm a Celeb returned to our screens last night!
It was the moment the nation had been waiting for...the return of I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here to our TV screens! And millions tuned in to watch Ant & Dec present the launch episode of the new series, and everyone has been talking about it! In case the new batch of Jungle Celebs didn't take your fancy, Channel 5 were showing Superman II, whilst the BBC showed the premier of hit movie War Horse. Or, of course, watching The Real Housewives Of Atlanta was always an option on ITVBe! A chat about the weekend's TV is always a winner!

Sunday 16 November 2014

Chatterbox Blog: Bob Geldof and Band Aid 30 have done a sensational job

Welcome to Chatterbox - it's where I share my thoughts on anything and everything in the news at the moment. Enjoy!

Bob Geldof has done it again. Since his very first Band Aid single, Geldof has been working tirelessly for those less fortunate than us all in the Western World...whether that's some of the millions starving due to famine, or in this most recent case - Ebola. Ebola is a terrible virus, which means those with the infectious disease cannot be afforded dignity; there own relatives cannot touch them in their dying hours due to risk of the virus spreading. Instead, they spend there final hours surrounded by men and women in alien-like white suits.

Image via the Daily Mirror website. 
Bob Geldof is right to have changed the lyrics of the track to say 'reaching out and touching you' - we need to show these poor, vulnerable, fellow citizens of our planet we do care about them, and we aren't as selfish as it appears; whilst they worry about comforting their dying children after contracting Ebola (possibly as a result of poor sanitation and hygiene), we're all here worrying if there will be any iPhones left in stock for our Christmas shopping. We don't know how lucky we are.
Which is why it's fantastic Geldof and his team of stars, including One Direction, have got behind the charities supporting those battling Ebola with this single.

Celebrities live such privileged lives; millions of pounds, penthouse suites, anything they want, thousands of fans...yet those who have come together for Band Aid 30 show that those in the public eye don't just want everything for themselves - they want to use the exposure they gain, the talents they have, to help others. And help is something the thousands suffering from Ebola in West Africa desperately need.

So nothing makes me prouder than to know that some of this countries best musicians are using their success as a force for good - not only raising much needed funds for a important cause, but also raising awareness of the terrifying outbreak, and the plight of those suffering in ways we simply cannot imagine in West Africa. 

As the lyrics say 'reaching out and touching you' - let's all do our bit this Christmas to help those less fortunate; starting with buying the Band Aid single and helping the victims of this horrific disease. 

Thanks for reading, have a wonderful week...and please do keep those around the World less fortunate in your thoughts and prayers!

Saturday 15 November 2014

What a Week For...Kim Kardashian, Dec from I'm a Celeb & Monty the Penguin

Hello all, and welcome to my brand new weekly feature,  'What a Week For...' 
It's where I'll share three famous folk who have made the news this week, and why. Enjoy; let me know your comments, keep an eye on the daily talkers every weekday & I'll see you this time next week for more stars and shocks!!
Kim Kardashian-West posed on a pair of cheeky covers for Paper Magazine that nearly melted down Twitter - and she was lambasted 
1. Kim Kardashian (and her rear) 
She is THE biggest celebrity in the World, so it was only to be expected that, when Kim Kardashian posed naked for Paper magazine, she broke the internet. In a series of photographs, Kim shows off her famous backside in all its glory, before turning around and giving the World a full glimpse of her birthday suit...whilst smothered with oil! It's all been dismissed as disgusting and distasteful by millions of critics - yet at the same time caused a storm, and go on, admit you DID type in 'Kim Kardashian Nude' when you first heard the news!

Whatever you think about her photoshoot, it's quite clear that everyone knows about it, generating maximum publicity for Miss Famous!

Image - Paper Magazine (via Daily Mail)

Ant and Dec Online2. Dec from I'm a Celebrity
Yes, I'm a Celebrity is BACK this weekend, and co-host Dec has celebrated by getting his manager! That's right, Declan Donnelly hasn't just gone Down Under for the new series, he's also got Down On One Knee to propose to Ali Astall...the two are reported to be getting married next year. Congratulations!

Dec, pictured here with co-star Ant, is the one on the RIGHT!
(I get confused too!) Image - twitter.

Monty The Penguin3. Monty the Penguin
The adorable star of the John Lewis Christmas Advert 2014 has taken the World by storm in the past 7 days, and now has 28,400 followers on social network site Twitter. The John Lewis advert features Monty, along with the little boy who owns him (yes, he turns out to be a stuffed toy!) on the hunt for a girlfriend. She is also on Twitter, and called Mabel. All very lovely! The advert, which is 2 minutes 10 seconds, has been watched by millions of people on You Tube, and been screened to millions more on Prime Time TV in the UK. Awh! Oh yes, and you can get your hands (or should that be flippers) on your very own Monty...John Lewis have SOLD OUT of soft toy Monty and Mabel products and other associated merchandise. It really is Monty Mania!      Image:

Friday 14 November 2014

Today's Talkers: Friday is finally here again, so here's what to keep in your conversations today...*includes the I'm a Celeb stars*

Happy Friday! Yes, we've made it to the end of the week! Work may be slowing down now, with 5pm coming ever closer...but that doesn't mean the opportunities for a good gossip aren't! With I'm a Celeb starting at the weekend, and Children In Need tonight, don't miss any opportunity for a talk. Here we go...

1. Pudsey is Back...with a bang (plus One Direction and Tom & Jerry!) 
Image - BBC. 
The annual BBC Charity telethon is back tonight, with Terry Wogan once again at the helm! Tonight's Children In Need starts at 7.30pm, with highlights including a performance from the cast of West End show Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, plus the regular musical treat from Eastenders. There is a Strictly Come Dancing special, too, with Sir Bruce Forsyth back at the helm alongside Tess Daly. One Direction will be popping up from 8.30 onwards, with X Factor star Cheryl Fernandez-Versini giving a live performance to liven up the evening too! And, in what promises to be a momentous moment, cartoon legends Tom and Jerry (everyone's favourite cat and mouse double act!) will star in a one-off special alongside some familiar faces from the BBC. It promises to be an excellent evening, all in aid of excellent causes.

2. I'm a Celebrity is back on Sunday!
We all know what we'll be watching for the next couple of weeks...I'm a Celebrity with TV's best loved double act (no, not Tom and Jerry) Ant & Dec! I don't know about you, but I can't wait to see the celebrities squeal as the Bush tucker trials get underway, and of course see the politics in camp. So who will be taking part...well, Melanie Sykes, Craig Charles, Gemma Collins and Tinchy Stryder are among the 10 taking part. Be sure to tune in to the launch show (Sunday night, ITV) which is replacing Downton Abbey. I wonder if any Downton fans will stay on and come Down Under with us? With the big names having arrived in Australia, it's time to face the music...or should that be jungle?

3. *cough* It's Friday!! *cough*
How could we miss out the biggest news story of the day...the fact it's Friday, of course?! Customers and colleagues alike are sure to give you a big, beaming smile when you remind them of the fact that the weekend is almost upon us! Be sure to ask of plans for the weekend, or simply gently remind the working week is's always a non-controversial conversation, even if the person you're chatting to does proceed to groan they are working the Saturday night shift...
Image -

So please do enjoy your weekend, whether you're relaxing in front of the TV (that's me) or off somewhere exciting - and I'll see you fresh and ready to go on Monday. Take care!