Sunday 14 December 2014

What we're doing for Christmas: Eating, Talking...and perhaps even some walking!

A new poll has revealed the number one thing we'll all be doing on Christmas Day...EATING!

The thing were expecting to do on Christmas Day? EAT!
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That's according to The Sun on Sunday, who conducted a survey of 3,200 people across the UK. They found that 'Eat Christmas Food' is the number one thing we expect to to on the big day, with 'Talk with Family' second on the list. Third was 'Watch TV shows', whilst fourth was 'Watch Films'.

Fifth on their list was 'Cook' whilst sixth was 'Go for a Walk'.

So what will be all be drinking to wash down our festive feast? SOFT DRINKS it appears, followed by White Wine, Red Wine and then Champagne.

Best not have anything that will send you to sleep too early though...just under 1 in 3 of us (30%) are expecting to watch The Queen's Speech at 3pm. However, half of respondents (50%) were not planning to see Her Majesty's message - whilst 20% of people weren't sure. Well, I'm sure you could find a Come Dine With Me repeat on if you get a little bored...

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