Sunday 7 December 2014

Zoella hits back at claims her novel was ghostwritten "The story and the characters are mine".

- Sunday Times ran a story today about Zoella's book not being entirely written by the star
- Reports followed that it was 'ghostwritten' by another author
- Zoella hit back saying the "story and the characters of Girl Online are mine" 
- Her publisher says she DID NOT write the book on her own

She's sold thousands of copies of her debut novel 'Girl Online', breaking records and delighting fans across the country. However, it appears there is more to internet star Zoella than meets the eye.
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Via Zoella on Twitter. 

That's because the publisher of her novel have revealed that she is NOT the sole writer, leading to reports the book has been 'ghost written' - written by someone else for Zoella. 

A spokesperson for Penguin told the Sunday Times, who carried the story in their newspaper today, that, "to be factually correct, you would need to say Zoe Sugg did not write the book Girl Online on her own". 

Zoella later hit back, saying "Everyone needs help when they try something new". She also said: "Of course I was going to have help from Penguin's editorial team in telling my story". 

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