Wednesday 17 December 2014

UK Weather Forecast: A rainy start for many parts tomorrow, with temperatures remaining milder than expected

Hello there, I hope you've had a great day! It's been warmer for us in the UK today, after that warm front moved in from the West behind the band of rain which swept the country last night! We're expecting to see the warmer weather continue on Thursday, although it will go colder from Friday onward once again.
By Ben

What about the picture we saw today then? Well, we did see those warmer temperatures, with it considerably milder than it has been in previous days! There have been scattered showers throughout the day, especially affecting Wales, some in Ireland, and the South of England.

Those patches of rain are set to continue into this evening, although it should, on thw whole, clear in the south of England, with Northern parts of England and Wales set to see overnight rainfall.

By tomorrow morning, a new band of rain is set to have moved in across the country - when you're up and about in the rush hour, anyone along the Western coast of the British Isles (Western Scotland, North Western and Central England, Northern Ireland and Wales) will need to be prepared to face the elements!!

That rain is set to continue falling into the main 'body' of Thursday, with mainland Wales, Northern England and far Western Scotland will all see persistent rain.

 Temperature wise were looking at afternoon temperatures of 14 degrees C in London, 12 degrees in Cardiff, 13 in Manchester, 9 for Belfast and a cooler 7 degrees in Edinburgh at 15.00.

Well, we're one week away from Christmas it's very exciting to see if we'll have a White Christmas! I'll keep you posted!! New on Twitter - @weatherwithben

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