Thursday 1 January 2015

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! A word of thanks from our editor...

By Ben Wardle, Editor In Chief

Dear Readers, 

Thank You for your continued support of Tea Break Chats...we love to bring you the latest news and features - from TV shows and the entertainment world to the weird and the wonderful! 

Tea Break ChatsI began the Tea Break Chats blog back in the Autumn, and since then I've been delighted with the response...I cannot thank you enough! The blog is all about bringing a smile to your face and informing you with light news and features everyday...I do hope I've managed to brighten your day on at least one occasion! 

I would love to hear your feedback - it'll help me create a blog that is vibrant, entertaining, informative and enjoyable to read. Please do not hesitate to get in touch: tweet me, @teabreakchats, or leave a comment below.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas, and the very best for the New Year. We'll be back with regular stories every day on Monday 5th January. I'd be delighted to see you then.

With thanks from the bottom of my heart once again,
Ben Wardle.

Twitter: @teabreakchats

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